“The information provided in this website is for illustration purposes only. Only the insurance policy itself contains complete coverage information. For premium quotes, specific coverage options, products and services, please contact us.”



Have you been asking yourself this question, especially if you have not had any accidents, tickets or claims?

Even if you have personally had no event that should raise your rates, across-the-board rates are impersonally calculated based on general factor affecting the overall area.

Our insurance carriers are telling us rate increases are happening because of such factors as:

  • More cars on the road mean more accidents are happening.
  • Supply chain issues are making it more costly to repair or replace a vehicle after an accident.
  • The higher demand for new and used cars, combined with low current car inventories, is making car prices rise.
  • All of these factors are driving up claim costs, which in turn must necessitate an increase in our insurance rates.

Bottom line, we are all in this together, even those of us with great driving record and no claims.  Of course, you can always rely on your personal insurance agent to look out for your best interests when it comes to quoting or servicing your insurance needs.


To learn more about the BIVONA INSURANCE GROUP, LLC go to www.bivonainsurance.com.


(To learn more about this TOPIC, check out “CAR INSURANCE RATE INCREASE .”)